Friday, December 23, 2016

My Own Pet Portraits

Of course, I have my own pets, which I created as working examples for my pet portrait studio painting classes. These are my first two pet paintings, and as you can see, my pet portrait painting prowess has improved over the years. 

I completed my dog Charlie's portrait in early 2016 and I'm so glad I did! Charlie was an older dog with some health issues and he was losing his sight, but still a happy little dog. He passed away in September of 2016 - I am so happy I painted his little portrait when I did!

I painted Cat around the same time, and she is still with us. Currently, (August 2023 as I write this update) she is 18 years old! 

Cat (formerly known as 'Baby')

Update: (August 2024) We finally had to let Cat go. At the age of 19 years and 2 weeks, she was showing signs of senility, loosing her fur, having digestion problems, and getting bony. Our local animal clinic was so kind and made it so much easier on me. They even sent me a card with a personal note and some of her little paw prints. 

Again, so glad I created this sweet little painting of her!

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